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What do we do and what are our goals?

Flanders DC wants to provide easy access to the market and all its opportunities by offering creative entrepreneurs in fashion, design

Leda Devoldere: “I adopt an extremely heightened vulnerability during my creative process”

With 20 to watch, Flanders DC presents twenty emerging talents, who recently took their first steps in the worlds of design or fashion.

The Promise: “I believe in the power of slowness”

With 20 to watch, Flanders DC presents twenty emerging talents, who recently took their first steps in the worlds of design or fashion.

Fashion entrepreneur Annelies Lambert (go as u.r)

It was a challenge to really find a good material for each style you've designed, that was also both sustainable and affordable.

André Duval

Today I'm again surrounded by creative minds, writing code, designing applications and solutions, and strategising: how can we reach the consumer through

FashionTech Works

At Flanders DC we believe it is our role to communicate and exchange on emerging technologies to help designers

Sven Grooten, B-architecten

We designed a new organigram with self-steering teams that get lots of autonomy. People's involvement in the firm grow immensely.

Belgium conquered San Francisco during Game Developers! Conference

For the second year running, our space pirates had to settle for an honorable mention in the category Excellence in Design.

Creativity and urban development in Baden-Württemberg

Besides film, design and music, the region also hosts the highest amount of architecture firms in Europe.

Expert day Sustainability hacks: what have we learned?

As a job designer and workplace advisor at Compaan, Marieke visits organizations to check whether employees are happy with their job.