160 resultaten


Dries Van Noten: “I’m a perfectionist, but I hate perfect beauty”

Vanessa Friedman, fashion director of The New York Times, interviews Dries Van Noten, a man who was literally born into fashion.

Chatbots, the communication channel of the future?

How does it work exactly and for which purposes can it serve the fashion industry? 

A smart view on the world with augmented reality

Which other opportunities lie in this technology and which benefits are there for the fashion industry? 


Awards Awarding yearly the best of design and fashion.

The Internet of Things connects everyday objects

How is this technology being used in the fashion industry today and what about the future? 

Blockchain, the decentralizing technology

How is it used today and how can it be used in the fashion industry?

Debate The Voice of the Future: "Clothes are an extension of who we are"

Anja Aronowsky Cronberg moderates the debate ‘The Voice of the Future’ during Fashion Talks 2017.

Creative Ville 2019 programmes a strong and daring line-up

Following the Fashion Talks fashion conference one day earlier, Creative Ville, which was held on 22 November, wanted to delight the creative industry