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About us

centre and works towards strong and future-oriented entrepreneurship within design and fashion.


Every year Flanders DC distributes awards to projects, creatives and companies in design and fashion.


Awards Awarding yearly the best of design and fashion.

Matteo La Rosa: “I’m focusing on couture and exclusivity”

With his gender-inclusive designs that refer to the avant-garde fashion of the eighties, Matteo La Rosa scores top marks.

FashionTech Works

Fashion is aspirational, poetic and creative. They are both about skills, methods and techniques.

What we learn from FashionTech Works

On November 20, Flanders DC brought, in the framework of FashionTech Works and United Fashion, 24 promising companies from 11 countries to Antwerp to share

Chatbots, the communication channel of the future?

How does it work exactly and for which purposes can it serve the fashion industry?