54 resultaten


Textile designer Thomas Renwart, Les Monseigneurs: “Music is fundamental to my work”

He answers your questions and talks about the relation of his work to music, the Henry van de Velde Awards, dealing with criticism and his plans for the


Oproep 31 May 2024 Open call Henry

History of the organisation

Several initiatives that are still very much alive today, like the Henry van de Velde Awards or the Design Triennials, saw the light around that same time

What do we do and what are our goals?

powerful and energetic organisation that does its utmost to put the spotlight on home-grown products, companies and people with awards like the prestigious Henry

The designer as a tool

Flanders DC gives advice and guidance, opens doors abroad through international actions, provides recognition with projects such as the Henry van de Velde

20 must-sees at Milan Design Week 2023

We are already looking forward to Daan De Wit and Elias Van Orshaegen at 5VIE, Marijke De Cock at Alcova and Hulasol at Archiproducts.

20 must-sees at Milan Design Week!

Lou van ‘t Riet  is a designer and architect based in Brussels.