Isolde Lasoen really rolled into music. As a drummer with Daan she's probably known for the longest time. She also plays in several other bands and she has her own solo project. Isolde talks about how it all started for her as a musician, breaking through for the lucky few and how she also feels like being an entrepreneur. 

Isolde Lasoen

Logical consequence

When I was little, my family revolved round music. We were all in the marching band. We rehearsed once or twice a week and had a concert of excursion once or twice a week. For me, it was logical, after secondary school, to go on to study music and make a career of it. No one was against it or questioned it, except for some teachers who thought that I had to study languages, but now my teacher French is so proud when I sing in French."

Playing in pubs and at weddings

“From week one at the conservatory, I was getting small gigs: a pub with thirty people or a wedding. Sometimes, you're playing in the background and no one is interested. Then you are literally blend in with the scenery, but as a musician, that's a gift, because it teaches you a lot to play music with people in all kinds of situations. I think you've got to be very open-minded, if you've got the talent to play different styles. I was in a kind of gala orchestra, but also in jazz groups, I also played hip-hop and funk and even Latin American music. One thing led to another and Daan got in touch with me, because he'd heard there was a good drummer in Ghent."

Breaking through as a musician

“The creative sector is tough. When you make an album as an unknown musician, it is really difficult. I have enough friends of mine who are incredibly talented. They make an album and put their heart and soul and money into it, but it doesn't work. Why do some break through? It's a combination of many factors. On the one hand it must be good or you definitely need to raise interest in a segment of the population. Usually there's a machine behind it: a good management, a promotional and booking agency, a record company. But it also can be coincidence. If a really famous person notices an obscure group and says something about it, that can all cause you to break through. A TV appearance can also get you noticed. But in fact you can't put your finger on how you break through. For me, it wasn't a spectacular breakthrough. It was a very steady crescendo of my career over all those years."

Prudent entrepreneur

“I'm absolutely an entrepreneur. It's A and B. A is creating and being creative and B is all the rest. I've been playing with Daan for sixteen years now and he's always said: 'If you make your own album, make sure the music belongs to you.' I want to be prudent about it. I want to keep making music and doing various freelance jobs, because I like it and it feeds my creativity, but of course I'd still like to make x-numer fo solo albums. And keep entertaining and pleasing my audience."

This video has been realised in collaboration with video production company Sputnik.