160 resultaten


Matteo La Rosa: “I’m focusing on couture and exclusivity”

With his gender-inclusive designs that refer to the avant-garde fashion of the eighties, Matteo La Rosa scores top marks.

FashionTech Works

Fashion is aspirational, poetic and creative. They are both about skills, methods and techniques.

Film editor Nico Leunen: “At best, my work is invisible”

That’s the discussion you have when you talk about success. Is it also part luck or mainly down to hard work? It’s probably a combination of the two.

Event terms & conditions and privacy policy

These terms & conditions and privacy policy apply to the following events: Creative Ville, Fashion

Marijke De Cock: “I deliberately sketch everything by hand”

After graduating from the Antwerp fashion academy, Marijke De Cock joined Dries Van Noten in 2003.

Dave Van Verdegem from game studio Pajama Llama

In this video Dave talks about the power of community building and the communication approach of Pajama Llama.

7 rules by Oscar Clark to monetize your game

For those who weren’t able to attend, here’s a concise summary of his talk.

A/part: creative talent in the spotlight with twenty unique creations

Twenty designers and fashion labels were paired with other creative people and Antwerp retailers. 

History of the organisation

Flanders Fashion Institute (FFI), which was founded in 1998, has its origins in vzw Mode Antwerpen.